Monday, August 14, 2017

Betrayal & Stunted Mind Sabotage

There is vulnerability related to betrayal e.g. humans need constant reward, constant regard, affirming dignity or being recognized through the small and big treats. This compounds into social justice. In the case of LGBTIQQ on the African continent the constant harassment and hate may negate social justice.

There is vulnerability due to sabotage e.g. the denial of access to services promoting preservation of quality life. In the case of LGBTIQQ on the African continent the constant harassment and hate triggers distort plans 
for self-care.

There is stunted-mind vulnerability e.g. the LGBTIQQ has had to make do with disruption of services targeting them, the lack of role models and mentors has an impact on well-being. It makes it impossible for LGBTIQQ on the African continent to escape the cycle of hopelessness.

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